
It's not WHAT you see but HOW you see it - understand the difference !!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Tryst with God ......

Me :

It is hard to express how I am feeling right now..
It's like thousands of words resounding in my ears
A galore of unexpressed emotions
I am astounded at my own imbecility
So careless with my heart
Been so mindless that it tears me apart
I fail to understand the obvious
I over-think situations 
And complicate things, otherwise too plain.
I deny the very reality
And fabricate stories with the thread of my imagination
These tears they blind me,
The unsaid suffocates me...
The unheard kills me..
The unanswered makes me mad...
God I seek forgiveness.. mercy is what I ask.

God :
I didn't ask you to mistrust people, I told you to be cautious
but did you listen ?
I didn't ask you to make enemies but to not make friends with everyone who appears charming on the surface
did you keep guard ?
I didn't ask you to follow the bandwagon but to use your brain more often
did you listen ?
I didn't ask you to commit mistakes but to learn from your past
did you even try ?
I did not say to bottle up your feelings but to not let your emotions run wild
did you do that ?
You never listen...........
Now you come to me with a broken heart and with shattered hopes again..
You ask me to heal the pain and to release you off this burden of failure
Even if I do that, will you change ?
You will go back doing the same things over and over again
Wearing your heart on your sleeves...
No you never learn your lessons,
So my child this time -  I'll let you be !!