
It's not WHAT you see but HOW you see it - understand the difference !!


So here is M.e.D turning into a serious blogger. I got into blogging in 2011 when on listening to one of my poems a guy told me to start my own blog. I tried it and used this electronic method to share poems with few friends and classmates. I did not pursue blogging as a grave affair and did it out of sheer boredom. But sooner than later I realized it is the only place where I can share my thoughts without the fear of being judged or mocked at by others. Now I enjoy blogging more (for venting out my zillion thoughts) than sharing my experiences with any existing homo sapiens.

I have always been an introvert but  I have this habit of jabbering a lot with people I open up with and consequently I always land myself into troubles, issues and misunderstandings. People who don't know me think I am one of the scholarly type but those who talk to me know I am pretty dumb and therefore I don't want to serve them anymore with my dumbness..
Instead I chose to serve those who enjoy getting bothered by reading my posts. :) :P

In short I now LUB blogging.... it is way better than trusting others with your thoughts. I think a loOOOOOt. In fact while the world is busy working and earning their living , I am busy thinking about absolute nothings.....
Blogging is now an exercise for my deteriorating Mental health... <sniff>
